Monday, November 18, 2013

Betrayed: Production Begins (Art Holmes first co-writer Credit)

This past weekend I found myself Pee A-ing on Sandra Matrecitos short film Betrayed - A Short Film. Sandra is someone that I have known since I started at the Los Angeles Recording School way way back in August of 2011. Having wanted to be in the film program and ending up in Recording cause I'm poor so I found myself gravitating toward the film side of audio.

Also, being a vet has given me more mileage than I would

have had at this point and with Sandra being a vet as well

and both us doing work study in the vets department we

tend to bump into each other A LOT.

Now with the nature of the business being what it is and living in the future with blogs and facebook and youtube and all this new media at our disposal she had really enjoyed my writing style on the blog and pegged me to take a go of an idea she had since Film School and if I would be interested in writing a screenplay for it.

Said sure, even though I've never written a screenplay before and was able to come up with something in a more linear tangible form of her original idea. She had mentioned that she really couldn't figure out how to take her idea and turn into a screenplay form. So once my draft of it was complete she was able to take that structure and revise it to make her fit her vision.

So this weekend I was able to be on set and witness her idea coming to life. The most surreal experience being yesterday and shooting the bar sequence and hearing dialogue that you had actually written being said by actors and feeling pretty amazed by the whole process and how efficiently Sandra has been able to put this all together in the last few months.

Look for Betrayed to be making the festival circuit next year . . .

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