Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Art Holmes almost kills Ted Danson at Dirty Girl screening

True Story:

Ted Danson's wife was at mount super fabulous one night to screen her movie Dirty Girl.

So Ted Danson showed up unannounced and I almost killed him coming out of the bathroom with the bathroom door after the movie was over.

As I was coming out and he was going in, I said:

"Mr. Danson" (a little head nod of approval, and then gave my big cheesey smile :) as only Art Holmes can)

And he said:


It was soooo cool !!!

Just missed my opportunity to have a  pee party pow wow next to Ted Danson.

Oh well.


  1. You're killing me. Pee-pee pow-wow! Priceless!!!

  2. Pee party pow wow, I just made that up, not sure where it came from ??? I may have to thank the sweet baby jesus for the inspiration.

  3. Pee pee pow wow? I knew it! Us ladies could have those kinds of pow wows if only we got rid of the stall floor plan. Hey, Art...-was he wearing his hair piece, or is he going au natural?

  4. he must have been wearin it cause he looked like Stalin
